After signing up for the 30-Day Cold Shower Challenge, I read in a blog that some people actually use the Cold Showers as THERAPY. Is this possible?
Well, today, as I joked about taking a cold shower being "romantic" (yeah, I know, funny guy) I did stop and think about the impact of the showers in my life over the past 26 days. Yes, I'm on day 26.
According to Joel Runyan, who has taken the concept of Cold Showers to actually trademark the term "Cold Shower Therapy" has this to say about it:
Cold Shower Therapy turns something that you know is going to suck and turns it into something you can claim victory over. If you haven't had a victory in a while - you're due, right? Take cold showers for 5 minutes a day for the next 30 days. And go DO SOMETHING. Yeah, I'm in the middle of doing that something in my life. And I was coming off a victory, but EXHAUSTED. I needed a system reboot. The cold showers did it for me. I have a feeling they'll do it for you.
Because you see, the cold showers are about mental benefits you never realize until you do it. Are their physical benefits, too? You bet there are. Cold water induces an increased metabolic rate. Exposing your body to cold temperature makes your body re-regulate and burn calories. Your body could build a layer of fat if you kept doing cold showers for a long time. So, my feeling is to do the 30-day, then go back to a regular shower for a while.
The mental victory in accomplishing this challenge is hard to describe. But you can say I definitely feel more "bad ass" by doing this. I'm ready to take on other challenges, too, because I KNOW I can do them.
Four days to go... I've got this!
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