Wednesday, July 11, 2007

7 Steps To Building the Life of Your Dreams

By Scott Andrews, Founder of

"Excellent information. I am inspired by AspireNow." - Karmen G.

I've had many people ask me how to build the life of your dreams. There are several essential elements. I think they boil down to the following:

1. A knowing. You must first know who you are and what you want to do if you are to do anything significant with your life.

2. Integrity. Being true to who you are is the first rule of enlightenment. It is also the first rule in building the life of your dreams. It starts with how we think. From there, what we say, and last, how we act. If any of these are out of alignment with what your "knowing" is, you will drop in integrity and struggle to attract what you want and to build your dreams.

3. Replace blocking mechanisms with faith and confidence. Some of the things Tony Robbins and Don Miguel Ruiz talk about involve how you program your mind. If we utilize self-talk that puts-down or all allows doubt to creep in, we allow those mechanisms to block us. Instead of allowing those blocking mechanisms a foot in our mind, we ought to give them the boot! Replacing these mechanisms with faith, confidence, and belief in what we are doing is critical to living our dreams.

4. Don't settle - keep reaching for our dreams. I think that great athletes are always reaching for another title, another way to improve their game. Artists must constantly reinvent themselves in order to remain fresh and new. Businesses much change and evolve or get passed by competition and advancements in people and technology. It is the same with our dreams. Once we have realized one, we must push forward to see where the dream is supposed to stretch us. Allowing ourselves to stretch is a healthy way to continue to grow.

5. Striving for our highest good. When Don Miguel Ruiz says "always do your best" I don't think he means the best we try to do but our absolute best we CAN do. It's like Duke Ellington said, "do the very best you can with what you've got." I think we can then stretch to do even better. I often find an article I've written five years ago and, upon reading, find edits, rewrites, and things I can improve with what I've learned since I first put the pen to paper (or fingers to the keyboard!). Give yourself a boost and do your best, be your best and highest self. Who are you not to be your best - you deserve it.

6. Going for our dreams even when someone tells us we can't do it. I've almost gotten to the point where, when someone tells me "I don't think that's a good idea," or "I don't think you should..." my ears perk up, the gloves come out, and instead of fighting, I put my focus to make it happen. I can, I will, I do. That's my motto.

7. Persistence, Tenacity, and Desire. What other ways can you share your dreams? Have you reached some milestones that can inspire others? Being in business for over five years was a milestone that I passed a few years ago and it's pretty cool. The business has produced more in the past year then all the other years combined, so sometimes, the dream just requires LONGEVITY and PERSISTENCE to make it happen. So, go for your dreams and make them come true.

I have listed some of the top resources for you to create the life of your dreams, featuring books, audio programs, and card sets by Anthony Robbins, Don Miguel Ruiz, and Eckart Tolle, to help you with building the life of your dreams. You can live on purpose and discover meaning in life through these programs. You're welcome to visit that information at my product site:

I welcome your comments and success stories about living an elegant simplicity life and making your life more fun and abundant.

Scott Andrews is a life coach, business consultant, and CEO/Founder of AspireNow (, a site helping people realize their business and personal aspirations. He is a speaker and the author of numerous articles and workbooks on business success, life purpose, smooth sailing relationships, and creating abundant lifestyles. He launched the first interactive self-help program on the Net, called the AspireNow Advisor. Visit the AspireNow website or contact Scott at for an introductory coaching session.

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