Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valuing Our Family

You want to know who matters the most in your life?
Well, whether you like it or not, the people who often matter most are our FAMILY.

Why? Well, think about it:

Who brings your life into the world?
Who teaches you about life?
Who cares for you and feeds you?
Who teaches you to read?
Who teases you when you're little and pokes you to improve yourself?
Who plays with you the most when you're little?
Who comes to your speeches, plays, concerts, and birthday parties when you're growing up?
Who shows up at your graduation?
Who gives a bride away at her wedding?
Who do you spend the holidays with most frequently?
Who watches and supports when you give birth to your children?
Who do you give birth to?
Who babysits for your children?
Who is at your baby shower?
Who is your best man?
Who is your best friend?
Who do you raise and parent?
Who do you call when you have a serious problem?
Who is the person you call when you have exciting news?
Who is the person you care for when they are old?
Who shows up when you pass away?

Well, the answer to all of these questions, for many people, is their family. It sure is my answer.

What are you doing to nurture your family relationships?

Are you making your family a VALUE in your life? If not, what can you do to show your family more love?

Rather than answer this question from YOUR point of view, why not ask each family member "Hey, I've been thinking. I'd like us to do more loving and enjoyable things together. What would be the most important thing I could do for you to help us grow closer?"

Then be quiet and listen for the answer.

If you want to improve your family relationship with that family member, simply start to do that thing they suggest to you when they answer your question.

You can also do small things, that in your unique way, show you care. The one most important thing I will point out to you regarding family is the first rule of showing you love: TIME. People - especially children, know how much we value them by the time we give to them. So, spend some time together. Show up! Call. Email. Make the effort.

At times of life's greatest challenges, and at times of greatest success, our family is often there to support us, love us, share with us, and celebrate the journey. Let's celebrate our family and enjoy the love we can share together!

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1 comment:

kath said...

Very interesting post. I like the topic.
Each of us knows the value of a family. Our family is always there through ups and downs, teaches us good values and share their unconditional love to us. In instance, family atmosphere's are rare these days. The kids are into computers, games and into girls and almost the same thing can be said for the girls of the family, but hopefully one day a week, everyone puts everything aside and sits down to a family meal and spent time together.

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